TransforMap works towards an online platform to visualize the myriad of alternatives to the dominant economic thinking on a single mapping system. It will give everyone the opportunity to map the initiatives, communities, projects, worker-owned, self-managed, democratically organised companies and other institutions dedicated to meeting people's needs, serving the common good and/ or contributing to a sustainable way of life.

TransforMap will/ can show all the places, spaces and networks that work on fostering cooperation and deepening human relationships through (co-)producing, exchanging, contributing, gifting and sharing, for a free, fair and sustainable world.

TransforMap invites all existing mapping initiatives to cooperate and co-create maps based on an open pool of data, a common taxonomy, free software and standardised APIs. It is published under an Open Data License.

Our world is transforming. There are old and new alternatives all over the planet. TransforMap will show you how to get there.

This was the short description. You are invited to read the long one also.

TransforMap Team

CHEST (Collective enHanced Environment for Social Tasks) is a 33 month Research and Development project, supported under the Seventh Framework Programme to promote the development of digital based innovations that have the potential to address key societal challenges. TransforMap has been successful in receiving support through the scheme with the managing partner organizations Get Active and Ecobytes.


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Ecobytes e.V.
Brückenstraße 20
37213 Witzenhausen